Ten Candles - Accessibility

Content Warning

Ten Candles deals with mature subject matter, including death and violence. There are several emotional triggers built into the mechanics of the game to elicit feelings of anxiety, horror, loss, hopelessness, and powerlessness in the players. For suggestions regarding safety and comfort around the table, please visit cavalrygames.com/safety.

Environmental Concerns

The core rules of Ten Candles recommend playing in the dark by the light of ten tea light candles. Playing in the dark may be difficult for individuals who are visually impaired, while fire can be a strong anxiety trigger for several people. The rulebook also recommends actually burning pieces of your character sheet while you play. Again, for individuals who are uncomfortable around fire, this can be a concern. You can both play with the lights on and forego candles and burning entirely, either using battery-powered tea light candles, or any sort of 10 to 1 countdown timer to track your progression through the game if these are concerns.